
Crop Protection Products

Innovations that sustainably control weeds, pests and diseases and help improve plant health.

Solutions for the future of farming

Innovative, sustainable crop protection solutions from Corteva Agriscience help protect fields from weeds, insects, nematodes and diseases that threaten productive harvests. With advanced solutions, farmers can grow more while caring for the land — contributing to a positive farming future.

Learn more about why herbicides are an important tool for farmers

Our crop protection products meet or exceed regulatory standards all over the world

In all the countries we serve, Corteva is dedicated to meeting or exceeding the stringent safety standards and rigorous regulatory processes applicable to our products. Our innovations undergo rigorous approval processes, and ongoing re-approval, by regulatory bodies all over the world, including Europe, Canada, Australia and others.

Because pesticides interact with our environment and support our global food chain, they are highly regulated, with individual countries maintaining their own rigorous approval standards.

  • In the U.S., companies must generate rigorous scientific data to understand the identity, composition, potential adverse effects and environmental fate of each pesticide. This typically requires us to carry out more than 150 safety studies, with methodologies verified and approved by the EPA.
  • In the European Union, the pesticide approval process requires peer review by experts from all member states and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). 

And these processes are only the beginning. Even when approved, safety monitoring of products continues, and unintended effects must be reported to regulators. The U.S. EPA, for example, follows a rigorous review process to confirm the safety of pesticide products—a process called registration review—that is repeated at least every 15 years. This process ensures reapproval considers the latest scientific data and meets current standards for safe use.

For each pesticide it reviews, the U.S. EPA evaluates hundreds of different scientific studies during the registration and re-registration process, relying on the best science available and placing high value on transparency in decision-making. During the process, the U.S. EPA may request studies and data from manufacturers, third parties and the public, and takes findings and questions to independent expert panels such as the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel and the National Academy of Sciences.

The Corteva Predictive Safety Center

Companies like ours rely on predictable and science-based regulation as we bring innovations to market—which can take an average of 12 years. The Corteva Predictive Safety Center enables the purposeful design of sustainable crop protection products by providing safety and sustainability insights from the earliest stages of product design and development. The center is closely integrated with our discovery project teams, accelerating the characterization and selection of new molecules that benefit farmers and that have the most favorable environmental profiles.

Learn more about the regulatory process

Agronomist collaborates with colleagues in lab
Agronomist collaborates with colleagues in lab

Companies like ours rely on predictable and science-based regulation as we bring innovations to market—which can take an average of 12 years. The Corteva Predictive Safety Center enables the purposeful design of sustainable crop protection products by providing safety and sustainability insights from the earliest stages of product design and development. The center is closely integrated with our discovery project teams, accelerating the characterization and selection of new molecules that benefit farmers and that have the most favorable environmental profiles.

Learn more about the regulatory process

Array of Fresh Vegetables

Biologicals Business

The Corteva Agriscience portfolio of biological products are derived from nature. These products are developed to give farmers tools to embrace balance and keep their farms healthy and productive today and tomorrow.

Learn more

Specialty Products

Corteva offers products to help manage urban pests and care for turf. Please visit your local country website to see if these products are available.

Turf and Ornamental

Turf and Ornamental

We offer solutions to help keep turfgrass and ornamental plants thriving for golf courses, lawns, landscapes, greenhouses, and nurseries.

Pest Management

Pest Management

Corteva’s innovative solutions control insect pests that cause billions of dollars in structural damage each year to homes, commercial buildings and historical structures.

Pasture and Land Management

Pasture and Land Management

Pasture management products can change the productivity of land for meat and milk production by increasing and sustaining forage production. On treated pastures, producers can graze more cattle on the same amount of land.

Managing vegetation along critical infrastructure is essential to growth and for public safety. We help vegetation managers take an integrated approach to stewarding the land.

Adding Value

Our stewardship efforts encompass services to add value to farmers.

Anti-counterfeit and Brand Protection

Grow Right! Authentic and legal crop protection and seed products allow farmers to grow right.

Food Chain CoNNEXT

CoNNEXT is a service offered to our customers to help accelerate the growth of their business, including:

  • Global knowledge for local markets
  • Freedom to trade
  • Freedom to market