Seed Applied Technologies


Giving Plants a Strong Start

Inside each seed sits the promise of a strong, healthy plant that will one day be harvested. From the moment a seed is planted, it’s challenged by diseases, pests and an unpredictable environment, all of which can keep it from reaching its full potential. New innovation in Seed Applied Technologies from Corteva Agriscience help seed get off to a strong start, for a growing and sustainable future.

Protecting Seed Potential

Seed treatments help protect and bolster seeds and seedlings to help ensure they have a strong start at becoming healthy plants. Seed treatments enable better and faster emergence and stronger, more uniform stands of plants. This helps set the stage for farmers to harvest more and also helps farmers maximize their investment in one of the most valuable inputs of their season, the seed they plant.

Supporting Sustainable Practices

Because seed treatments involve precise application of fungicides, insecticides, nematicides and biologicals directly to the seed, they can reduce the need for farmers to use these products post-planting. Seed treatments help reduce exposure of products to the soil surface and to non-target organisms like beneficial insects. They also complement Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices and other sustainable management practices such as cover cropping, no-till, reduced-till and early planting. With Seed Applied Technologies from Corteva Agriscience, farmers can reduce the need for more inputs, save resources and keep their farm productive year after year.

Graphic of SAT treatment
Source: “Seed Treatment A Tool for Sustainable Agriculture,” International Seed Federation and CropLife International, October 2007 View the PDF
Graphic of SAT treatment
Source: “Seed Treatment A Tool for Sustainable Agriculture,” International Seed Federation and CropLife International, October 2007

Innovation and Stewardship

Corteva Seed Applied Technologies builds on our company’s 100+ year history of developing both seed and crop protection products. Like all seed treatments, our products must meet rigorous standards for safety and efficacy. By enabling farmers to potentially use fewer inputs and be more targeted in their crop protection approach, seed treatments from Corteva help increase the lifespan of other useful technologies like crop protection products and traits.

What Makes Our Seed Applied Technologies Unique

Discovering novel actives

Discovering novel actives

Corteva Agriscience works to discover new active ingredients for seed protection, drawing on the world-class Corteva research pipeline and the resources of strategic collaborators who are on the cutting edge of seed-applied innovations. At our Center for Seed Applied Technologies (CSAT)—which has locations around the world—Corteva develops seed treatment recipes targeted toward the most valuable characteristics and to meet farmers’ needs.

Developing products to solve challenges

Developing products to solve challenges

Among the hundreds of possible product combinations we evaluate, Corteva only brings seed treatments to market that are proven to solve on-farm challenges. Every product formulation is thoroughly tested in the lab and in the field to get a complete understanding of its characteristics and benefits, and help ensure it performs to expectations.

Delivering support

Delivering support

Corteva seed treatment products add value to the seed and help plants reach their full genetic potential. Products are supported by our team of scientists dedicated to seed-applied technology and our rigorous six-step PASSER process which evaluates every formulation for plantability, application, seed safety, stewardship, efficacy and regulatory factors to ensure the highest-quality seed protection.

Proven Performance and Benefits

Seed treatments are vital to help farmers produce more with fewer inputs, but they are not all alike. Corteva Agriscience develops solutions for farmers who are looking for the best seed protection. Because our formulations are validated for both performance and benefits, farmers can trust seed treatments from Corteva to deliver real results and value.


A More Focused Footprint

Corteva Agriscience seed treatment products provide targeted protection against pests and diseases. This reduces the amount of crop protection products that may need to be applied later in the season. Fewer trips through the field means less soil compaction, lower use of fuel and reduction of greenhouse gases. By potentially reducing farm inputs, seed treatments also help limit exposure to crop protection products for humans working in the field and beneficial organisms that keep farms healthy, like pollinators. Seed treatments can help farmers use fewer resources, while raising even more and better crops.

Our Innovation

Seed-applied technology from Corteva products have many characteristics that contribute to our commitment to advancing sustainable agriculture.