
Isoclast™ Active Helps Soybean Farmers Defeat Stink Bugs

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Brown stink bugs do the most damage in soybean fields at the nymphal stage (seen here), when they feed on small pods and seeds.

Stink bugs: A nasty name for an insect that inflicts nasty damage on soybean fields. In Brazil—the top soybean-producing country in the world—stink bugs can have serious economic consequences.

In soybeans, stink bugs (so named because they defend themselves by releasing a foul smell) are most damaging at the nymph stage, when the bugs have a major appetite to feed, but their wings aren’t developed enough to carry them elsewhere. Stink bug nymphs mostly feed on soybean pods and seeds, injecting them with digestive enzymes and then sucking out the pre-digested plant fluids. The damage isn’t often apparent until harvest, when farmers are faced with an ugly reality: seeds that are deformed, undersized, discolored or shriveled. After harvest, the seeds may deteriorate even more. The feeding sites on soybean plants can also serve as entry points for disease, further compromising the crop.1

In Brazil, double-cropping of corn and soybeans is common and stink bugs are an issue on both crops. Expedition® insecticide with Isoclast™ active, which was introduced in Brazil in 2019, gives farmers a newer option to treat stink bugs in soybeans and corn. With Expedition, farmers can tackle stink bugs during the nymphal stage, preventing costly damage to vulnerable, small soybean pods. Plus, by controlling stink bugs at the nymphal stage, farmers can avoid the need for later-season rescue treatments, saving them materials, labor and time and reducing the need to put more insecticide on their fields.

While resistance isn’t a primary concern with stink bugs in Brazil today, farmers still need to think proactively to ensure insecticides will continue to work against these pests. With Isoclast, farmers get a distinct mode of action (Group 4C) against stink bugs, which helps keep all of the available insecticides more effective for the long term.

Isoclast also has minimal impact on beneficial insects, including predatory insects. Yes, even among stink bugs, there are good players at work! The spined soldier stink bug and the two spotted stink bug prey on crop pests. Because Isoclast has a very targeted profile, these species are not affected and can continue to serve as natural pest control.

Stink bugs and the damage they do to soybeans can be ugly, but with new choices like Isoclast in the picture, farmers can keep their plants and harvests sitting pretty.

Learn more about Isoclast active

1 Greg Luce and Jeshke, Mark. “Stink Bug Damage to Soybeans.” Pioneer, May 8, 2019.

Expedition insecticide is not registered for sale or use in all countries. This information is not considered an offer for sale. Always read and follow label directions.