Resilience against extreme weather

Soy bean leaves close up

Extreme weather and changing climate patterns can impact farmers’ productivity. From changing rainfall and temperature patterns to more frequent droughts and floods to evolving outbreaks of pests and disease, they all can have an effect on crop production and food security. Farmers need more resilient crops to protect yields and livelihoods.

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Our commitment

Corteva Research & Development teams are focused on developing sustainable solutions that help increase farmer productivity and profitability potential while improving resilience to extreme weather pressures and protecting natural resources.

Climate Positive

Our solutions

Our complete portfolio helps combat weather challenges and is tailored to farmers’ preferred crops, geographies, and management practices. From our leading germplasm to advanced hybrids and varieties with disease resistance, we provide seed products to help boost productivity. Corteva’s current hybrids, compared to the 1940s, can produce more overall yield: up to 3x more under drought stress, 3x more per inch of water, and at least 2.5 times more under nitrogen stress.

Optimum® AQUAmax® corn hybrids

The drought performance leader. Pioneer® brand Optimum® AQUAmax® corn hybrids equip farmers with strong agronomics and integrated technology packages that perform, rain or shine. These corn products offer improved performance in water-limited conditions and are bred to optimize product performance in a farmer’s local environment.


Sorghum is naturally drought tolerant. Corteva offers a broad selection of sorghum products around the world, helping to combat food insecurity.


Rice is traditionally grown in paddies, using water to manage weeds. Corteva is focused on developing new more sustainable solutions to help farmers. Corteva’s AcreNext™ program is an integrated direct seeded rice program enabling hybrid rice seed to be planted directly into the rice field.  The hybrid seed has better yield, can be planted using mechanized sowing services and is compatible with a highly efficient crop protection solutions that does not require fields to be flooded. This comprehensive offering will help rice farmers produce healthier rice crops that mature faster with increased yields, while being less water and labor intensive.


Millet is a regionally important crop in many parts of the world. Its ability to grow in areas that experience frequent periods of dry weather make it an important crop for food security. Corteva offers a portfolio of products that deliver outstanding performance and better yield in millet crop.

Looking ahead

Our Research & Development pipeline builds on both our extensive germplasm collection and advanced breeding techniques like gene editing to unlock additional power of native genetics to make crops more resilient and productive.

Reduced stature corn in Corteva’s pipeline with commercialization expected mid-decade, can help improve durability in challenging weather compared to taller hybrids. Additionally, its reduced height will allow for all-season equipment access to support crop management along with Corteva’s high-performing genetics - helping farmers get the most from their crop while providing resilience to challenging weather.

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Man walking away down a dirt road at sunset with orange sky


We’re in it for good

Sustainability is embedded into our business, where science, technology and innovation enable us to provide the tools farmers need to feed the world while reducing environmental impacts. Learn more about our commitment to protect people and the planet.

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