Turning Old Pastures New


Read the Correia Family’s Story:

“An increase in the world population has also increased the demand for beef and for sustainable beef. Our dilemma consists of increasing our production by around 40% in the next decade and at the same time preserving our forests. We know how vital the forest is, not only for the country but for the world as well.

We have been here for 193 years. We are the seventh generation that goes way beyond just business. We had a lot of problems with weeds. Corteva has brought us technology that has allowed us to produce more without needing more space.”

Our main aim here is to deliver a higher productivity of grass by controlling the weeds. The numbers from the Recanto Ranch are quite significant; they were able to triple productivity per hectare.

They not only had an increase in productivity by hectare but also in the amount of meat per animal.

"We are really optimistic about the future. As my father said, ‘The land was here long before you. It will be here after you. It does not belong to you. Just honor it.’”


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